[Pdns-users] problems with MX records

Cemil Degirmenci cd at wavecon.de
Tue Mar 8 22:42:12 UTC 2005


alan walters wrote:

> Can someone assist me with what this error means.
> Ldap backend with pdns does not seem to resolve mx records????
> Mar  8 22:58:05 ldapread2 pdns[10142]: Authoritative empty NO ERROR to
> for 'mail.limestonechat.com' (AAAA), other types do exist

that means that you have no ipv6-a-record fuer mail.limestonechat.com -
not dramatic. Or better say: Just dramatic when you want to use ipv6

how did you query?

Wavecon GbR | Schanzaeckerstr. 43a | 90443 Nuernberg
phonenr +49 911 120 658 1 |  faxnr +49 911 212 923 3
www.wavecon.de | cd at wavecon.de | gpgkeyId 0x67D5D458

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