[Pdns-users] BIND AXFR problem

Chris Bradfield chris at gopetslive.com
Tue Mar 29 05:31:45 UTC 2005


I am trying to convert from BIND to pdns.  I've created a pdns master 
using the bind backend to read my existing BIND config files.  This 
works as expected.  However, when pointing one of my BIND slaves at 
pdns, I get the following error message from pdns:

Mar 28 17:49:52 gopetslive pdns[4124]: Received NOTIFY for 
gopetslive.com from X.X.X.X but slave support is disabled in the 

I also get AXFR "initiated" and "complete" messages, but after the 
initial AXFR, no data is actually exchanged, ie after the master zone 
has been updated.

I'm running pdns 2.9.17 and BIND 9.2.4.


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