[Pdns-users] PTR Records on /27

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Sun Jul 10 21:29:36 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 06:21:56PM +0200, Tim Korves wrote:
> >Hm, I've got a similar (working) situation, using  
> >"192-27.XXX.XXX.XXX.in-addr.arpa" as a zone seems to work, maybe it  
> >is in the configuration of this zone? Is your SOA record correct?
> Yes, I imported it from my BIND config... So, everything is correct,  
> as it was in my BIND...

Please show your configuration and please the exact name of your zone.
PowerDNS doesn't need to do anything specific to support this, so there is
probably a typo somewhere.


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