[Pdns-users] CNAME drives my crazy

Michael Mertel Michael.Mertel at bwc.de
Fri Feb 11 16:44:04 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I'am having a hard time to implement CNAME records.
I need the following:

www.mydomain.de	IN	CNAME	www.foreigndomain.com

foreigndomain.com is not under my control, and I want
to avoid to use an A record for www.mydomain.de because
the address behind www.foreigndomain.com can change without
any further notice.

I allow recursion only to and some more adresses
including the address of the dns.

But I still get no ANSWER section in dig if I try 
dig ANY www.mydomain.de

If I replace www.myforeigndomain.com with www.mydomain2.de
everything works as expected, because mydomain2.de is controlled by me.

Can someone pleae enlighten me, I'am totally lost.


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