[Pdns-users] Dynamic DNS

Kristof Hardy kristof.hardy at catsanddogs.com
Fri Dec 9 10:26:53 UTC 2005

Graeme Walker wrote:
> HI
> Curios to know if this project is still alive, the web site is down and 
> if there are any updates

Well, it is, sort of. It's pretty complete, working perfect here.

It hasn't been updated since a while now, but you can find the latest 
version on http://debian.catsanddogs.com/, section Downloads->General. 
There's only 1 version for dynamic powerdns, that's the one..

Have look at it, any ideas/questions/experiences, please let me know :-)

The site was redesigned to use Joomla, so everything is not in place 
"yet"! :-)


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