[Pdns-users] Recursor to root name servers

bert hubert ahu at ds9a.nl
Mon Oct 11 06:27:03 UTC 2004

On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 01:20:54AM -0500, Barry Bourdage wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I am looking for a replacement for pdns recursor, I would like to
> bypass my current ISP for DNS recursion, I was using the PDNS recursor
> and forwarding to them, but their servers are not reliable, (I have
> tried to talk them into PDNS, but I have not succeeded yet). Do you have
> any recommendations for something that will work directly with the root
> name servers , I am using fedora fc2.

Just launch the regular pdns_recursor - it'll do the right thing by default,
and point your nameserver at

If you want to see the full glory^H^H^H^Hhorror of how it talks to the root
servers, run it like this:

pdns_recursor --daemon=no --trace --local-address=

Good luck!

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