[Pdns-users] logging while chroot

Martin Kuchar lists at nss.wproduction.cz
Wed May 26 07:11:52 UTC 2004

I have the opposite problem :-) It logging, while i have NOTHING in chroot
directory ! 

Martin Kuchar

> > I'm curious how can pdns logging thru syslog while is 
> chrooted ? It' logging
> > thru main, under root running process, which is not 
> chrooted itself ??
> > It is not security problem ? It's not better way chroot the 
> entire pdns ?
> If the chroot has a /dev but if so there could be a "log socket". You 
> can run sysklogd with the option
> 	-a /usr/local/chroot/pdns/dev/log
> for instance.
> Cheers,
> Markus

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