[Pdns-users] no content

Bob Lockie bjlockie at lockie.ca
Thu May 13 02:01:52 UTC 2004

>>>|  8 |         1 | www  | A    | 
>>>                             | 3600 |    0 |        NULL |
> Hi,
> names in records must be FQDN, if you use standard queries from PowerDNS.
> basic-querie is:
> select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records where
> type='%s' and name='%s';
> this querie will find ssh.lockie.ca type A but not ssh type A
> Regards,
> Dimi

Thank you very much.
That was it.

It's weird that it returned the SOA record instead of nothing.
It's also weird that zone2sql didn't fix that for me or warn me. :-)

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