[Pdns-users] mysql replication in PDNS

Brancaleoni Matteo mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Sat Jul 17 12:26:59 UTC 2004


Il sab, 2004-07-17 alle 11:41, piyush at vippowernet.com ha scritto:
> hello pdns-users,
> I want to configure MySQL Replcation with PDNS. my PDNS is work good with 
> mysql database. but I try with mysql slave database but I donot
> understand how to configure PDNS with M/S  mysql database. 

Is pretty simple. your master dns should be on the master mysql
server, the slave dns on the slave mysql server.
nothing more on a pdns point of view.
just setup mysql replication as in mysql docs.
Of course all the updates to the dns must be done
only on the master dns.

Brancaleoni Matteo <mbrancaleoni at espia.it>
Espia Srl

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