[Pdns-users] Fancy-records and urlredirector

Jeroen Wunnink jeroen at easyhosting.nl
Thu Jun 12 13:05:10 UTC 2003

What the point is ?

If you integrate the full thing you'll have an easy system for URL and 
Mailforwarding which customers love.., the john doe who has a site about 
him and his dog may not be interested in purchasing a full hosting package 
with 10 GB/traffic a month, and is happy as it stands on 
http://home.hisprovider.com/~johndoe/index.html, but may still want just a 
domainname www.meandmydog.com forwarding there..

At 08:56 AM 6/12/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Jeroen Wunnink wrote:
> > It doesn't resolve an URL redirector actually.., it'll convert it to an A
> > record and points it to that, then make sure you'll have some script
> > running which reads the hostheader the client carries with it, and pull
> > that from the pdns database..
> >
> > The fancy records need an external application
>Sounds like a bunch of unnecessary, extra work - what's the point?
>Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge, JustThe.net
>POTS: Toll Free from anywhere in the USA or Canada, 888.480.4NET (4638)
>HTTP: www.JustTheNetLLC.com
>MAIL: 5686 Davis Drive, Mentor on the Lake, OH 44060-2752

Met vriendelijke groet,

Jeroen Wunnink,
systeembeheer at easyhosting.nl

telefoon:+31 (035) 6285455              Postbus 1332
fax: +31 (035) 6838242                  1200 BH Hilversum


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