[Pdns-users] Recursive Weirdness (Was: 2.9.4 -> 2.9.8 breakage)

bert hubert ahu at ds9a.nl
Wed Jul 30 18:09:10 UTC 2003

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 12:38:06PM -0400, Damian Gerow wrote:

> I have a PowerDNS server that supports recursive queries, using a dnscache
> installation (from djbdns) on an RFC1918 network to do the lookups.

Can you point your install at and I just
verified if everything works as it should and it does so here.

Have you bound separately to the addresses of your host? ie, and Can you do queries with 'dig'?

dig www.microsoft.com @

Gives way better diagnostics.


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