[Pdns-users] Problem with chroot and local resolving and anot her problem with guardian

Bauer, Georg bauer at gws.ms
Wed Jul 9 13:22:16 UTC 2003


> If I understand PowerDNS correctly these config files should not be 
> needed in the jail, because to use pdns_recursor you have to edit the 
> pdns.conf file and set the recursor options 
> (allow-recursion=<subnet>, lazy-recursion=yes, recursor=<ip>:<port> I 
> think) correctly. So it doesn't rely on these files.

I am not talking about the recursor (that's used for recursive queries from
outside to fullfill them), but I am talking about the simple standard
resolution the Power DNS daemon does. The recursive queries (and so the
configured recursor) _do_ work, even in the chrooted version.

It's the resolution of addresses internal to the daemon itself, that don't
work. Those happen if you change a domain and use notifies to notify other
nameservers of changes. These notifies are sent out to all servers named in
NS records. To get the IP of those servers, external resolution is done. But
if you run chrooted, this resolution doesn't work.

>From the symptoms it looks like that's just a problem with the jail and the
resovling code in PDNS.

And I am totally lost on the guardian problem, it just refuses to do any SOA
checking and AXFRs 

bye, Georg

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