[Pdns-dev] passing original QTYPE to the backend

Zane Thomas zane.thomas at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 07:30:04 CET 2013

Hi Peter,

(and sorry everyone for the somewhat confusing grammar below, I should
have proofed)

The way I actually did handle ANY queries is to leave out problematic
records. This has been working well on millions of domains for over a
year. It would be possible, by issuing specific queries of various
types, to determine that the set of records returned for ANY does not
reflect the complete set of resource records in the zone. However, in
practice that has not been an issue.

I had no choice when it came to taking this approach; the database I
adapted through my backend cannot reasonably be cleaned.


On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Peter van Dijk
<peter.van.dijk at netherlabs.nl> wrote:
> Hello Zane,
> if they, as a set, are not RFC compliant, how did you intend to handle -actual- ANY queries?
> On Feb 3, 2013, at 7:22 , Zane Thomas wrote:
>> DNSPacket * which is passed in to the lookup method can be used to
>> determine what the original query type was. I very much needed to use
>> the packet pointer in order to select which records of a set which, in
>> the database my backend interfaces too, are as a set non-rfc
>> compliant. My approach was to look a  the packet query type and return
>> to pdns only those records it needs to answer the query.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Peter van Dijk
> Netherlabs Computer Consulting BV - http://www.netherlabs.nl/
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