[Pdns-dev] Auth server 3.0.1 not handling DS queries properly

Ask Bjørn Hansen ask at develooper.com
Sun Feb 26 02:14:10 CET 2012

On Feb 25, 2012, at 11:28, bert hubert wrote:

> could you try build 2421? It passes my regression tests, although the
> automated tests report one failure, this is due to a wrong test.
> http://wiki.powerdns.com/trac/changeset/2420 is the meat of the fix.
> http://powerdnssec.org/downloads/pdns-3.1-pre.20120225.2421.tar.gz

Yup, build 2421 works!  Thank you.

I'll get that installed everywhere so we can put www.cpan.org pointing to Dynect's servers again (they send European users to a local server instead of everyone getting my servers here in Los Angeles).


Ask Bjørn Hansen, http://askask.com/

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