[Pdns-dev] PowerDNSSEC Progress: packages & production use

Christof Meerwald cmeerw at cmeerw.org
Tue Jan 11 22:48:49 CET 2011

On Tue, 11 Jan 2011 11:40:07 +0100, bert hubert wrote:
> To join the fun, download the tarball and packages which can be found on the
> sites above, and let us know how it works for you!

Just tried to use it (source checkout from svn revision 1867) with the
bind backend and nsec3 and it immediately crashes when trying to make
a DNSSEC request.

Traced it down so far to (iter == ttdindex.end()) in bindbackend2.cc,
line 864.



http://cmeerw.org                              sip:cmeerw at cmeerw.org
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