[Pdns-dev] Patches for helping with split-horizon type setups (and dealing with an annoying postgresizm).

Stephen O'Dor sodor at digitheon.org
Wed Nov 24 00:09:29 CET 2010


Attached are two simple patches. Hopefully I did this right, I'm new
to powerdns.

One adds the remote and local IP as potential format substitutions in
the basic-query, id-query, any-query and any-id-query. Which I'm using
to add split horizon type functionality against a postgres backend.

The other takes care of an annoyance with calling postgres functions
from pdns.. unfortunately the only reasonable way to call a 'stored
procedure' is with a SELECT and if your function is meant to do
inserts, updates or deletes, then this can be problematic when pdns
checks for 'command ok' status instead of 'query ok'.


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