[Pdns-dev] Declaring native nameservers

Lorens Kockum lorens-pdns-3987 at tagged.lorens.org
Thu Jul 22 23:24:26 CEST 2010

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:29:39AM +0200, Tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
> We have a mixed configuration, in which we have replicated (native)
> nameserver, and remote (slave) name servers.
> In order to semplify the usage, can be considered to add an option to
> pdns.config, in which to declare which are native nameservers?
> Such option would permit powerdns to send notify only to nameservers not
> "native", both for master and native zones, avoiding useless notifies
> exchanges and semplifying  usage.

Since replicated nameservers do not ask for AXFRs, might it be
a good idea to 1) not have them in the list of clients allowed
to AXFR (easy), and 2) never send notifies to clients that are
not allowed to ask for AXFR (maybe that optimization already


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