[Pdns-dev] documentation on doc.powerdns.com for bind-zone file backend & superslave

Leen Besselink leen at consolejunkie.net
Wed Dec 29 10:06:37 CET 2010


Obviously not everyone reads every message on the user-mailinglist. I
was wondering
if supermaster is supported for the bind-zone file backend. The
documentation says: no


But the code looks like it does:


Have a nice day,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Pdns-users] Recursor / pdns installation help
Date: 	Thu, 23 Dec 2010 10:00:12 +0100
From: 	Leen Besselink <leen at consolejunkie.net>
To: 	pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com


Bert: it looks like the option exists in the code, but it is not in the
documentation on http://doc.powerdns.com/ ?:

supermaster-config: Location of (part of) named.conf where pdns can
write zone-statements to
supermasters: List of IP-addresses of supermasters
supermaster-destdir: Destination directory for newly added slave zones

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