[Pdns-dev] pdns crash due to mysql backend error (2.9.22)

Yann Hirou yann at hirou.org
Thu Feb 19 23:27:16 CET 2009


I'm using PowerDNS 2.9.22 on FreeBSD 7.0 with a mysql backend - mysql 
version 5.1.30

I got following error:

pdns[59435]: Communicator thread died because of error: Failed to 
execute mysql_query, perhaps connection died? Err=1: You have an error 
in your SQL syntax; check the manual tha
t corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near ''\\# 1007 
at line 1

Then the pdns_server process is no longer available.

After tcpdumping the packets, I'm able to find this hexa sequence during 
an incoming zone transfer (pdns is the slave) right before the crash.

Is that something known ? (the crash and the use of hexa in queries)

I'm fine to forward privately the dump and all other necessary informations.



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