[Pdns-dev] OpenDBX and LDAP backends

Norbert Sendetzky norbert at linuxnetworks.de
Sun Mar 16 17:24:42 CET 2008

Hi Bert

I've seen that there are still SQL files with the old create statements for 
MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite in the SVN trunk for the OpenDBX backend. Could 
you please remove them from the trunk as I want to maintain them separately?

I would also like to ask you to update the documentation for the LDAP backend 
and create a section for the OpenDBX backend.

The link to the documentation of the LDAP backend is 
http://wiki.linuxnetworks.de/index.php/PowerDNS_ldapbackend. The capabilities 
should be:

Native: Yes
Master: No (what are the exact requirements for this?)
Slave: No
Superslave: No
Autoserial: No

Please remove the other parts from the documentation as it's outdated.

The link to the documentation of the OpenDBX backend is 
http://www.linuxnetworks.de/doc/index.php/PowerDNS_OpenDBX_Backend. The 
capabilities should be:

Native: Yes
Master: Yes
Slave: Yes
Superslave: Yes
Autoserial: Yes (latest version in trunk)

Thank you very much.

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