[Pdns-dev] [PATCH] Implement "Serial Number Arithmetic" (RFC 1982)

Dean Anderson dean at av8.com
Thu Aug 7 20:44:12 CEST 2008

On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Sven Wegener wrote:
> > Your arithmetic isn't sensible. As you state it, there are no serial 
> > numbers _lower_ than the current, since all 2^31-1 are higher.
> Wrong. The serial is a 32 bit unsigned value, 

Doh! That's right.

> And now read RFC 1982, which covers sequence space arithmetic. It actually 
> has a chapter (7) that covers "The DNS SOA serial number". And the whole 
> RFC document is not that long. To quote the most important sentences:
> "Serial numbers are formed from non-negative integers from a finite  
> subset of the range of all integer values."
> "When considered as serial numbers however no value has any particular 
> significance, there is no minimum or maximum serial number, every value 
> has a successor and predecessor."
> "Only two operations are defined upon serial numbers, addition of a 
> positive integer of limited range, and comparison with another serial 
> number." (limited range, highest possible increment = 2^31-1 for DNS 
> serial)
> And the comparison is exactly what this patch implements.

Ok, I'm good with that. Keep up the good work!


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