[Pdns-dev] LDAP backend - extra attributes

Andy Rabagliati andyr at wizzy.com
Wed Jan 10 11:30:39 CET 2007


  I have a feature request for the LDAP backend.

  I am running 3 powerdns instances on our firewall - the external
  interface advertises only publicly-accessible servers, the internal
  interface additionally resolves machines on our LAN, and localhost is
  a recursor used by the internal network.

  I use the LDAP backend.

  I append some entries from LDAP below.

  It works - thanks !

  However, this is a test installation for wider deployment, and I am
  anxious to get my LDAP directory Correct, and the extra dc=Internal
  bothers me - it is not really a domain component, but must be of
  objectClass dNSDomain to hold the SOA and MX records.

  I would prefer to flatten the tree, so that all machines are at the
  same level, but have an extra attribute for the servers - perhaps

businessCategory: Server

  That I could use as an additional selector for external DNS.

  The pdns config file could contain a parameter


  used for all searches for my external server, but not used for the
  internal server.

  Am I being clear ?

Cheers,    Andy!

dn: dc=Internal,dc=aims,o=ami-net
objectClass: dNSDomain
objectClass: domainRelatedObject
dc: Internal
description: Internal Computers at AIMS
mXRecord: 10 smtp.aims.ac.za
nSRecord: ns1.aims.ac.za
sOARecord: ns1.aims.ac.za hostmaster at aims.ac.za 0 1800 3600 604800 84600
associatedDomain: aims.ac.za

dn: dc=Servers,dc=aims,o=ami-net
objectClass: dNSDomain
objectClass: domainRelatedObject
dc: Servers
description: Servers at AIMS
mXRecord: 10 smtp.aims.ac.za
nSRecord: ns1.aims.ac.za
sOARecord: ns1.aims.ac.za hostmaster at aims.ac.za 0 1800 3600 604800 84600
associatedDomain: aims.ac.za

dn: dc=kingklip,dc=Servers,dc=aims,o=ami-net
objectClass: dNSDomain
objectClass: domainRelatedObject
associatedDomain: kingklip.aims.ac.za
associatedDomain: www.aims.ac.za
associatedDomain: mail.aims.ac.za
dc: kingklip

dn: dc=quail,dc=Internal,dc=aims,o=ami-net
objectClass: dNSDomain
objectClass: domainRelatedObject
description: 00:0b:db:e0:d6:84
dc: quail
associatedDomain: quail.aims.ac.za

African Institute for Mathematical Sciences -- www.aims.ac.za

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