[Pdns-dev] pipebackend doesn't support FAIL response from coprocess

David Apgar apgar at yahoo-inc.com
Tue Dec 11 12:47:57 CET 2007

Hey All,

Been playing with the pipebackend, and I noticed that it doesn't appear
the the FAIL answer is actually implemented.

Hence, I don't have any way for my coprocess to send a DBException up
the stack, and have the server return a SERVFAIL.

I've attached a simple, 3 line patch that fixes this.  I don't think I'm
missing anything about the expected behavior of the pipebackend, but
please let me know if somehow I missed something (or if this isn't where
this fix would go in, or there is some other, better way that I can get
the pdns server to return a SERVFAIL via the pipebackend).

David Apgar
apgar at yahoo-inc.com

<patch inline, as well as attached>

Index: pipebackend.cc
--- pipebackend.cc	(revision 1113)
+++ pipebackend.cc	(working copy)
@@ -199,6 +199,9 @@
          L<<Logger::Error<<kBackendId<<" coprocess returned emtpy line
in query for "<<d_qname<<endl;
          throw AhuException("Format error communicating with
+      else if(parts[0]=="FAIL") {
+         throw DBException("coprocess returned a FAIL");
+      }
       else if(parts[0]=="END") {
          return false;

-------------- next part --------------
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