[Pdns-dev] Compiling inder Windows

"Рома" shmromacs at yandex.ru
Tue Dec 5 23:51:32 CET 2006

Hi, I'm trying to compile PowerDNS under MS Windows XP SP2 with VS 6 (as was told in manual).

I've searched over Inet for 2 days, I've downloaded all sources from SVN, I've done everything was told in M.Stol's manual (including changes in registry), I've read all Mailing List archives... but sources seem to be hardly compilable under Windows. 

Manual told me nothing about installing such modules, as Bison, Boost and SQLite ... most problems are with zone2sql module - it needs Bison - and pdns_recursor (needs Boost) - and Pdns :( (needs SQLite).

Wise people, please, help me. I'll be very happy and thankful if you will:
1) give me FULL compilable sources (but it seems that they dont exist), so...
2) tell me how to install all additional libraries and link them with Visual Studio.
3) just give me some links and advices about main compiling procedures.

Also I'd like to mention, that now I'm trying to compile not the latest version of PDNS, but ver.rel-2-9-15 - it seems to have not many errors.

Big thanks, and sorry for my English :)
I hope you'll help me.

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