[Pdns-dev] failing compile on Solaris 10 u1

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Thu Apr 20 18:30:51 CEST 2006

On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 11:22:16AM -0400, Eric Sproul wrote:

> I just wonder if I forgot to install something.  The person that 
> installed the box (it's in a datacenter hundreds of miles away) didn't 
> do a full OEM install with Software Companion, so I'm building up as I go.


You probably didn't do anything wrong. What probably happens is that both
PowerDNS and Solaris x86_64 use the same name for something, which colides.

Can you run:
g++ -E -o dnsrecords.e dnsrecords.cc

And send me dnsrecords.e? If you did anything to find boost, like
-I./boost_1_33_1, please add that to the command line as well.

This will help me figure out where the collision is.


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