[Pdns-dev] LDAP backend/notification problems

Paul van Tilburg paul at luon.net
Tue Nov 1 20:45:11 CET 2005


I have patched my pdns 2.9.18-13sarge1 (Debian sarge) package to
include the code implementing getDomainInfo for the LDAP backend
as posted by Norbert Sendetzky:
(addressing ticket 37: http://wiki.powerdns.com/projects/trac/ticket/37).

The 'no such domain' problem is solved, but I still have some 

* The SOA record in LDAP denotes serial 2005110103, however when getting
  the record I get a different value that is always the same
  (regardless whether I increment the serial in the LDAP record):

    luon.net. 300 IN SOA  sphere.luon.net.  hostmaster.luon.net. 4294967295 3600 1800 604800 1800

* When I run pdns_control notify luon.net, I get correct log entries:

    cube pdns[23432]: Notification request for domain 'luon.net' received from operator
    cube pdns[23432]: Queued notification of domain 'luon.net' to
    cube pdns[24228]: Removed from notification list: 'luon.net' to (was acknowledged)

  but doesn't seem to receive any notifications (a bind9
  server), nor does it seem that any packet is sent.

I am using the `tree' type LDAP setup, attempting to move my luon.net
domain running on bind9 to a PowerDNS/LDAP based setup.  Any hints are
appreciated and if I should provide some more debug information, please
let me know.


Student @ Eindhoven                         | email: paul at luon.net
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul at luon.net
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