[Pdns-announce] Conferences, various

bert hubert bert.hubert at powerdns.com
Wed Sep 9 11:37:36 UTC 2015

Hi everybody,

We try not to bore you too much with announcements, so here is a bundle:

* Tomorrow this Thursday I'll be at the 'security summit at the beach',
  https://www.ssatb.nl/ in The Hague.  If you or any of your coworkers are
  there, please find me!

* Next week on Wednesday September 16th we are at the Liberty Gloal Tech
  Summit in Amsterdam, https://www.libertyglobaltechsummit.com/ and again,
  we'd love to meet you if you are there.

* Friday 18th of of September, most of us will be at the NLNOG day 2015,
  http://nlnog.net/nlnog-dag-2015/ . Both Peter and I are presenting. This
  is at Leaseweb in Amsterdam.

* October 8 and 9 we are in Berlin at the Open-Xchange summit,
  http://summit.open-xchange.com/ and as previously announced, there will be
  a PowerDNS meetup there too.
  has the details. A few people have already let us know they'll be there,
  we'd love to hear from you!

* We're still looking for great people! Please take a look at
  https://www.powerdns.com/careers.html to see if you or any one you know
  might be a match. Please spread the word!



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