<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>Ip Address Of PowerDNS Server with MySQL Backend(Both Authoritative and Recursive) :<br><br><br><br></div>Ip Address Of Bind9 Server:<br>
<br><br><br></div>Here's the MySQL dump of domains table;<br><br>mysql> select * from domains;<br>+----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+<br>| id | name | master | last_check | type | notified_serial | account |<br>
+----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+<br>| 5 | etc | yes | 1 | master | 1 | vixen |<br>+----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+<br>
1 row in set (0.00 sec)<br><br><br></div>Here's the MySQL dump of records table;<br><br>mysql> select * from records;<br>+----+-----------+---------------+------+-----------------+------+------+-------------+<br>| id | domain_id | name | type | content | ttl | prio | change_date |<br>
+----+-----------+---------------+------+-----------------+------+------+-------------+<br>| 41 | 5 | forum.etc | NS | ns1.forum.etc | 1 | 1 | 1 |<br>| 43 | 5 | ns1.forum.etc | A | | 1 | 1 | 1 |<br>
| 39 | 5 | forum.etc | SOA | 45325325325 | 1 | 1 | 1 |<br>+----+-----------+---------------+------+-----------------+------+------+-------------+<br>3 rows in set (0.00 sec)<br><br><br></div>
Here's the records file input for the master zone of forum.etc created in Bind9 Server;<br><br>$ttl 38400<br>forum.etc. IN SOA ns1. info.forum.etc. (<br> 1374623190<br> 10800<br> 3600<br>
604800<br> 38400 )<br>forum.etc. IN NS ns1.<br>ns1 IN A<br>www IN A <br><br><br></div>After i've replaced my pc's dns server ip to PowerDns Server, here's the nslookup dump for both forum.etc and ns1.forum.etc;<br>
<br>C:\Users\vixen>nslookup forum.etc<br>Server: <a href="http://static-151-241-132-188.sadecehosting.net">static-151-241-132-188.sadecehosting.net</a><br>Address:<br><br>Name: forum.etc<br><br>C:\Users\vixen>nslookup ns1.forum.etc<br>
Server: <a href="http://static-151-241-132-188.sadecehosting.net">static-151-241-132-188.sadecehosting.net</a><br>Address:<br><br>Name: ns1.forum.etc<br>Address:<br><br></div>On the web browser of my pc, when i typed <a href="http://ns1.forum.etc">http://ns1.forum.etc</a> i'm getting an Apache test page of the Bind9 Server and it' ok.<br>
<br></div>But, if i type <a href="http://www.forum.etc">http://www.forum.etc</a> it can't connect to the ip address which i've added in zone records of Bind9 Server.<br><br></div>If you need anything more, please let me know.<br>