Dear all<br><br>We are going to migrate from previous dns server to pdns. The requirement with pdns is with DNS filtering, which mean all query from subscribers to porn site will redirect to one IP address. So far I have successfully insert more than 700 thousand porn site to mysql db, query to porn site successfully redirect to one ip addrees (wildcard active).<br>
<br>all query to non existing domain on mysql db will forward to pdns-recursor. Currently we have more than 30000 subscriber and increasing, we are concern about performance. the Issue is what are the best setting for the following configuration<br>
<br>max-cache-entries= ?<br>max-mthreads= ?<br>max-packetcache-entries = ?<br>max-tcp-clients = ?<br>threads = ?<br><br>other challenge is, could pdns get query about 100k qps. Thank you.<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Wanda<br>