Hi,<br><br>I would like to know and understand why PowerDNS don't reply to malformed query<br><br>I try to make some malformed queries on PowerDNS and Bind.<br>dig @localhost 'w w @ \\. <a href="http://test.com">test.com
</a>'<br><br>- PowerDNS don't reply<br>- Bind reply whith a RCODE NXDOMAIN<br><br>If i look to the RFC NXDOMAIN means non existent domain (yes, he don't exist but he don't have to exist)<br><br>In RFC I can see the RCODE 1 = FORMERR, it would seem that it is a good reply code for this query.
<br><br>So i would like to understand why this RCODE is not implemented, why powerdns choose to not reply and bind to reply with NXDOMAIN.<br><br>Thank you<br>