I've seen other posts regarding this function and have tried all of their suggestions with no success.<br><br>I have a host -- <a href="http://translate.ziemba.net">translate.ziemba.net</a> which resolves to <a href=""></a><br><br>In my domains table I have:<br>id = 150<br>name = 150.153.68.in-addr.arpa<br><br>In my records table I have:<br>domain_id = 150<br>name =<br>type = PTR<br>content = <a href="http://translate.ziemba.net">
translate.ziemba.net</a><br><br>I've tried a few variations and all meet with the inability to perform a successful reverse on this host.<br><br>Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?<br><br>Thank you,<br>Jason Ziemba<br>