[Pdns-users] my pdns does'nt use my recursor

Bill Yuan bycn82 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 14:20:53 UTC 2013

finally copy all the files into my linux, now the recursor can trigger
the lua script already,

but is still did not return the correct result for the nxdomains, I
have a function like below, no matter what domain it is , i just
always return a ip for it ,  but the function is not working properly!

function nxdomain ( remoteip, domain, qtype )
return 0, {
{qtype="1", content="", ttl=3600, place="1"},

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Bill Yuan <bycn82 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry , I just found actually it is using the , It is not
> working properly because is an public ip which located in
> France.
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Bill Yuan <bycn82 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi
>> I configured two ip addresses on my local linux for pdns, for
>> the pdns, and for it's recursor.
>> and I have another laptop using xp,
>> I found when dns set to, my xp laptop can resolve the local
>> domain which configured in the pdns,
>> when dns set to , my xp laptop can resole the domain like
>> www.google.com,
>> So that means the pdns and the recursor are working.
>> But when i set the dns to and quering www.google.com it will fail,
>> So it there any way to check why the pdns did not invoke my recursor?
>> I have configured "recursor=" in the pdns.conf

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