[Pdns-users] Robin Robin

David A. Ulevitch davidu at everydns.net
Fri Apr 4 16:19:15 UTC 2003

<quote who="Markus Gebert">
> bh> Recursor generally juggle answers too, the PowerDNS authoritative server
> bh> doesn't.
> Will this be be implemented in future releases of pdns?

Bert can answer better than I, but I took a look yesterday after patching in a
quick hack to see what it would take to do it "right" and it's non-trivial.

The packetcache stores the entire composed packet and simply returns it.  To
deconstruct it and munge it would be quite a performance hit I'd imagine.

It is certainly possible to get the data returned randomly from the backends
(and I patched that in to my code yesterday), but that doesn't completely
solve the problem, allthough it would go a long way towards fixing the issues
brought up in this thread.  The data returned changes based on your cache's
timeout instead of on every request.



   David A. Ulevitch -- http://david.ulevitch.com
  http://everydns.net -+- http://communitycolo.net
Campus Box 6957 + Washington University in St. Louis

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